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The Sourcehut builds dilemma

·3 mins

I’ve been deploying this blog using Sourcehut builds from my Sourcehut repo for some time now but I’ve started to have doubts about whether I want to stick to this given the limitations on Sourcehut pages. I’ve not had to thing about this a lot until recently since I also switched up my Hugo theme to Congo, which has a few additional features. These in turn inspired me to incorporate comments from Bluesky too but this didn’t work on the version of this site deployed from my Sourcehut repo. I’ve anyway been working on other things on the blog so I decided to fix this and rearrange how I present the blog a little while at it.

So now the blog is split into two parts: the main blog, of which you can see articles like this one, and the Emacs blog on a subdomain. This part of the blog is hosted on my Github and deploys with Github Pages to allow Bluesky comments adopted from Kaushik Gopal’s blog post.

Comments from Bluesky #

It has a very basic setup. There is a comments.html partial in ~/layouts/partials/ that basically just references a JavaScript script at ~/assets/js/bsky-comments.js. The comments partial is as displayed below. It is a very basic HTML script with Tailwind CSS built in.

  data-bsky-uri="{{ .Params.bsky }}"
  class="group-dark:hover:text-primary-400 transition-colors group-hover:text-primary-600"
  <div id="comment-post">
    <h2 class="comment-post-header font-semibold">
      Comments via Bluesky

    <div class="comment-post-meta text-sm">
        class="comment-post-meta-actions text-neutral-700 transition-transform hover:-translate-x-[2px] hover:text-primary-600 dark:text-neutral dark:hover:text-primary-400"
        <span id="likeCount">0</span> likes |
        <span id="repostCount">0</span> reposts |
        <span id="replyCount">0</span> replies

      <p class="block">Join the conversation on
          class="font-semibold text-neutral-700 transition-transform hover:-translate-x-[2px] hover:text-primary-600 dark:text-neutral dark:hover:text-primary-400 hover:underline hover:decoration-primary-500"

  <div id="comments-container"></div>

  <template id="comment-template">
    <div class="comment flex items-start space-x-2 m-20 my-10">
      <div class="avatar pt-2 w-[50px] h-[50px] flex-none">
        <a class="avatar-link w-full" href="" target="_blank">
            class="avatar-img rounded-full overflow-hidden w-[50px] h-[50px] object-cover"

      <div class="comment-body text-sm m-20 p-10">
        <a class="author-link font-semibold text-neutral-700 transition-transform hover:-translate-x-[2px] hover:text-primary-600 dark:text-neutral dark:hover:text-primary-400 hover:underline hover:decoration-primary-500" href="#" target="_blank">
          <span class="author-name" title=""></span>

        <p class="comment-text text-primary"></p>

        <div class="comment-actions text-xs text-neutral-500 transition-transform hover:-translate-x-[2px] hover:text-primary-600 dark:text-neutral dark:hover:text-primary-400">
          <a class="actions-link" href="#" target="_blank"></a>

{{ $comments := resources.Get "js/bsky-comments.js" }}
<script src="{{ $comments.RelPermalink }}"></script>

It has a very simple working principle. It gathers comments using the JS script from a regular Bluesky post that references the article at hand, the link to which is provided in the Org metadata for the article as

:bsky ""

for example for this page.

The bsky-comments.js script is a little longer so I won’t be displaying it here. It is more or less unmodified from that provided on Kaushik Gopal’s Github.

The comments partial is called from the single.html template in ~/layouts/_default.

Other changes, and those planned #

I’ve updated my about page with a little more about myself and my publications. There are now photos of Goose, my cat, too. I am considering putting up a gallery of some of my photos on this site. Perhaps as a subdomain like with my Emacs blog. There’s hopefully a lot more to come!

a blooming Bougainvillea tree at night
A blooming bougainvillea tree at night. Photo by Brihadeesh S, April 2023

In other news, I’ve moved to a new theme for the blog. I now use a fully personalised version of the Congo theme. So now there’s an optional dark theme too. The blog also uses a new typeface: Monorale, a font based on Raleway. I find it a lot more comfortable for reading online.

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